9'7" Gordon & Smith x Kevin Connelly
Dimensions: 9'7" x 23 3/4" x 2 5/8"
Brand: Gordon and Smith Surfboards
Shaper: Kevin Connelly
Model: Hoverkraft
Skill Level: Beginner to Advanced
Construction: Traditional Fiberglass
Made in San Diego
A noserider like no other. A New Model designed by Kevin Connelly specially for G&S’s “Kurrently Classic” Collaboration. Noseriders are meant to be ridden with confidence. The bottom concave and rail design maximizes noseriding time. Although Noseriders are not meant to turn, this one turns and provides an all-around base for what could be your favorite longboard. Super Stable Noserider, will give you added confidence to definitely improve your noseriding or give you your first noseriding experience. This one is for both the Beginning noserider and Expert noserider. All collab models have both the KC and G&S logos. Comes standard with a Single fin and includes the fin. Shown with resin tint and Resin compstripe and diagonal band.